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Band of the Week 9/30/09

I'm finding it as an increasingly obvious trend that I get into a certain band every week. I think it's about time that I actually start cataloging the bands that I'm currently on a huge kick of. This past week was Gnarls Barkley.

I, like 80% of the world, only knew of their single "Crazy". After listening to their albums all the way through, I quickly learned that they were much more than that. I immediately fell in love with "Who's Gonna Save My Soul", and there were so many songs that were just so energetic and soulful all at the same time. Songs that stood out to me the most; "Surprise", "Neighbors", "Going On", "Smiley Faces", "Transformer", and "Whatever." Yeah, it's more biased towards their newer album; The Odd Couple, but that doesn't mean that St. Elsewhere is anything to sneeze at.

I've already moved on to this week, an old favorite of mine, The White Stripes. I consider them one of my top 5 bands, and I always knew of Elephant onward, but I haven't really made a concerted effort in listening to De Stijl at all (and upon some further research, it's pronounced like "duh steel". Who knew?) . Last year I made an effort to listen to them more, listening through their whole discography once, but for some reason I never listened through De Stijl again. I listened to all of their other albums multiple times, so I decided it was time I really listened to De Stijl… and now I can't stop. We'll see where this leads to. So far, "I'm Bound To Pack It Up" has me completely captivated, as well as "Death Letter" and "Why Can't You Be Nicer to Me?". But really, I'm loving the whole album. I'm ashamed I haven't listened to it all too much.

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