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Paul rocks harder

I was listening to a bunch of McCartney lately and I realised, people are always saying that Paul is all love songs and that John Lennon is some sort of badass revolutionary rocker. Yet I think that Paul rocks a little harder than John. I mean compare Monkberry Moon Delight to John's rocking Sunday Bloody Sunday. Sure Sunday Bloody Sunday rocks plenty hard but it doesn't pull off that vocal rawness that Monkberry Moon Delight does. And let us look at both of their Beatles contributions. Paul has The Beatles hardest rocking song of all time, Helter Skelter. Plus he has Back In The U.S.S.R., Birthday, and Why Don't We Do It In The Road on The White Album alone. Paul has always been able to reach notes that John can't and never could. That is why he sang lead vocal on Can't Buy Me Love. Because John knew he couldn't hit those notes.

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