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arrghghgh this took so fuckin long to calculate. but worth it. mainly for my own benefit… i've been curious for a while now, about these actual stats. last.fm only scrobbles what i listen to on my computer, and because i listen a ton off of my computer i was curious about what certain play counts were. includes everything from july 2008 to naiow.

Animal Collective – 2970
The Smashing Pumpkins - 1893
Nine Inch Nails - 1655
Modest Mouse – 1091
Kings of Leon - 1018
Björk - 971
The Maccabees – 862
Land of Talk - 577
Tegan and Sara - 530
Born Ruffians - 519
The Kooks - 458
Feist - 439
The Postal Service - 433
Yeah Yeah Yeahs – 430
The Kills - 417
Broken Social Scene - 414
The Shins - 394
Grizzy Bear - 370
A Perfect Circle - 361
Incubus - 343
Fiona Apple - 324
TV on the Radio - 302

Stand Inside Your Love (The Smashing Pumpkins) - 731
Banshee Beat (Animal Collective) - 348
Galapagos (The Smashing Pumpkins) - 337
Whole Wide World (Wreckless Eric) - 304
I Feel It All (Feist) - 297
Fireworks (Animal Collective) - 294
Sleeping Lessons (The Shins) - 279
Unravel (Bjork) - 269
Tape Song (The Kills) - 252
Natural Anthem (The Postal Service) - 219
Stellar (Incubus) - 213
Anyone Else But You (Michael Cera & Ellen Page) - 205
First Love (The Maccabees) - 184
Grass (Animal Collective) - 183
Sway (The Kooks) - 177
Leaf House (Animal Collective) - 170
Did You See the Words (Animal Collective) - 164
For Reverend Green (Animal Collective) - 162
McFearless (Kings of Leon) - 158
Sunspots (Nine Inch Nails) - 155
Disarm (The Smashing Pumpkins) - 153
Cuckoo Cuckoo (Animal Collective) - 150
Breaxxbaxx (Land of Talk) - 145
The Purple Bottle (Animal Collective) - 142
Tonight, Tonight (The Smashing Pumpkins) - 142
Down to the Market (The Kooks) - 134
Milk (Kings of Leon) - 131

Feels (Animal Collective) - 994
Strawberry Jam (Animal Collective) - 888
Machina - The Machines of God (The Smashing Pumpkins) - 798
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (The Smashing Pumpkins) - 732
Colour It In (The Maccabees) - 661
The Fragile (Nine Inch Nails) - 560
Aha Shake Heartbreak (Kings of Leon) - 518
Red, Yellow & Blue (Born Ruffians) - 505
Good News For People Who Love Bad News (Modest Mouse) - 497
Homogenic (Bjork) - 469
Applause Cheer Boo Hiss (Land of Talk) - 440
Give Up (The Postal Service) - 432
Because of the Times (Kings of Leon) - 430
With Teeth (Nine Inch Nails) - 413
Midnight Bloom (The Kills) - 411
Veckatimest (Grizzly Bear) - 374
So Jealous (Tegan and Sara) - 372
The Reminder (Feist) - 367
Merriweather Post Pavilion (Animal Collective) - 345
Konk (The Kooks) - 338
We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank (Modest Mouse) - 315
Wincing the Night Away (The Shins) - 302
Sung Tongs (Animal Collective) - 297
Broken Social Scene (Broken Social Scene) - 276
Year Zero (Nine Inch Nails) - 250
Fall Be Kind - EP (Animal Collective) - 237

it's kind of weird to think about how much my music taste has changed since like, sixth grade. going from bands like chevelle, korn, metallica, tool, breaking benjamin, which were like middle school years (which are going to remain repressed… ehhh) to paramore (man, i used to be obsessed. hayley williams used to be like my favorite singer evar), muse, and the honorary title in eighth & ninth grade to being a huge NIN fan in tenth and eleventh grade (somewhat damaged and reptile are still just as awesome as the first time i heard them) and now to animal collective. it might be weird, but once i like a song i never really stop liking it. i just stop listening maybe, and move on to other stuff that i like more. like i'd probably still like all of the stuff from middle school on up that i used to listen to all the time, but maybe not to the same extent that i used to. but yeah i dunno, so weird reflecting on all of this stuff. i have no idea why i've gradually like slided into the genres that i listen to now. i've had such weird phases…. that emo/acoustic shit phase was probably one i'm going to try not to remember for a while.. heh.. i even used to like country. and rap! ok no, not rap. whatever that stuff is that they play on the radio. wait.. i think i listened to eminem.. nah, can't remember. that was back in the day. but shania twain, hell to the yeah. fifth grade man. i was a fan. good times, good times. not really. fifth grade sucked. i wonder what music i'll end up finding in 2010… yeah.. this is a strange ramble. i'm done.

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