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Favorite #1: Sweet Child O' Mine

I figure I should use this journal function for something worthwhile. I don't have the fortitude to make anything with regular rhythm, so I'm going to try to keep at least moderately interesting and explore some of my very favorite songs.

There is something about last.fm (full disclosure?) that makes me want to listen to slightly more sophisticated music, but one look at my charts belies anything beyond my pop/non-complicated music loving self.

It's not that I don't appreciate sophisticated music or really intelligent lyrics - I do! But there is something in me that can appreciate Fiona Apple and Britney Spears. To say something doesn't have merit because you listen to Radiohead and I couldn't pick Thom Yorke out of lineup is just silly. Music appeals to so, so many parts of us. The sensible, the silly, the romantic, the angry - and I'd like to think my charts reflect that.Verbosity aside brings me to one of my very favorite songs.

In 1987 I was 11, I lived on a tree-lined street in the middle of anytown America. The only brown face in a see of white. Girls teased their hair to no end and sprayed it with Aqua Net and I'm pretty sure I watched Dance Party USA everyday after school with my older sister.

Depsite Rock And Roll being king, I was just as in love with Slash as I was with Ralph Tresvant, but since I still kind of (read: totally) have a thing for Slash, my first favorite song spot goes to Guns N Roses with Sweet Child O' Mine. It is a song that totally takes me back to my childhood.

It is a love song to rival great love songs and features one of the most seriously terrific (I couldn't think of a better word) guitar solos I've ever heard. It has been covered to death some to okay effort and some quite disasterously, but nothing can hold itself up versus the original.

I love how this song makes me feel dancy and innocent and listening to Guns N Roses just makes you want to do the old Axl Rose dance (you're doing it now aren't you?) while singing along.

So song #1 down, who knows how many more to go.

Guns N Roses
Appetite for Destruction
Sweet Child O' Mine

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