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Mixtape OH SHIT


Here's a mixtape for november.

Pretty tough job to find songs that makes me go "OH SHIT", but here they are:

1) Flowers and Football Tops
5.14 - When James Allan start singing "You are my sunshine" i go OH SHIT - probably cause i've got goosebumps all over. So cool!

2) Kitty
0.19 - Pretty corny, but anyway. I went OH SHIT the first time i heard the cat-choir-meoows in this song. And the lyrics are funny.

3) Oh What A World
2.25 - The first time i heard the song i thought: "OH SHIT - I recognize this song…" And of course i did…the way he blend in Ravels "Bolero" is really beautiful.

4) Take me out
0.50 - I really think this song might be my favourite for the last couple of years. And i guess i just love the way the song changes after 50 seconds. They slow it down and bring in the coolest riff. Gives me chills and think "OH SHIT" every time i hear it.

5) Sexy
0.35 - I don't know if i like this one actually. But the lyrics are pretty shocking and i remember thinking "oh shit…WHAT THE HELL are they singing…" the first time i heard it.

6) The Girl
2.19 - Franz Ferdinand slowed it down, Dallas Green is speeding it up. When you think the nice little tune is over, he bring on the OH SHIT-cresendo. Love it.

7) Luke Skywalker
0.32 - This whole song makes me go OH SHIT. It's so freakin bizarre. But the extra pause before Henrik Berggren goes "But i'm Luke Skywalker" the first time is ecstatic.

8) Guilty Conscience
1.09 - The speaker voice interrupt the song several times, and it's really crazy - but still: it works! I think this song is brilliant and it tells the story really well.

9) X.Y.U.
4.12 - "And into the eyes of the jackyl I say KA-BOOM". The mother of all OH SHIT-moments i can think of.

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