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what bellingham has to offer

Sun 7 Mar – The Heligoats, Robert Sarazin Blake, Ami Saraiya @ Schubas Tavern

when I arrived at the show i was struck immediately by the timeless ness of the venue, just a classy classic place to be. Ami Saraiaya was lovely and her voice distinct and haunting, but then this man took the stage:


Robert Sarazin Blake stuck me first as the kind of hobo you'd find on or near trains with a bindle over one shoulder and a guitar in the other, the early days of bob dylan spring to mind. i was so totaly dumb struck that i only remembered to record two videos of Sarazin Blake, and have been transfixed since here is the second:


so i have the entire set for The Heligoats, but its going to take a little time to edit into individual tracks. but stay tuned to my channel, 'Brokenprism' on YouTube.

-Matthew R

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