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iTunes Quiz

(because of course I don't have assignments due or anything…)

Playtime: 11 days, 5 hours, 9 minutes, 31 seconds
Discspace: 19.28 GB

Sort By Song Title:
1st: About A Girl - Nirvana
Last: - - Low

Sort By Album:
1st: À Coeur Léger Sommeil Sanglant - Destroyalldreamers
Last: actual album? 13 - Blur

Sort By Time:
Shortest: Miracle Cure - The Who (0:12)
Longest: Without hidden track breaks Antistar - Massive Attack (19:39)

Top 5 Most Played Songs:
1. Hey - Blind Mr. Jones
2. Black Metallic - Catherine Wheel
3. Three Mansun songs. One is Stripper Vicar
4. Two My Bloody Valentine songs. One is You Made Me Realise
5. Lazarus - The Boo Radleys

1st Five Songs on Party Shuffle:
1. She Makes My Nose Bleed - Mansun
2. Elevation - Television
3. Somewhere - Husker Du
4. Life's An Ocean - The Verve
5. Motorway to Rosewell - Pixies

How Many Times Do These Words Come Up When Searched:
Sex - 56
Love - 167
You - 337
Death - 10
Hate - 10 (5 in the form of 'whatever')
Wish - 25 (…kah)
Want - 27
Need - 8

Ok, back to work

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