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(We're going to refresh this information from time to time)

Artists most often reaching Top 10 of our group:

10. Swans (-2)
9. Coil (new)
8. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds (+2)
7. The Doors
6. David Bowie
5. The Smiths
4. Bauhaus
3. Depeche Mode
2. The Cure
1. Joy Division


Albums most often reaching Top 10 of our group:

10. Mask
9. Seventeen Seconds (-1)
8. Script of the Bridge (+1)
7. In the Flat Field
6. Disintegration
5. Still
4. Queen is Dead
3. Substance
2. Closer
1. Unknown Pleasures


Tracks most often reaching Top 10 of our group:

10. Insight
9. Heart And Soul
8. Isolation
7. Day Of The Lords
6. Love Will Tear Us Apart (-1)
5. Transmission (+1)
4. Disorder
3. She's Lost Control (-1)
2. New Dawn Fades (+1)
1. Shadowplay


Members of this group have listened to Joy Division for 41278 (+1671 this week) times. Average number for one listener is 737 plays (+17 this week). Average number for one listener is 29 plays this week. (22.03.2011)

Average age of our group members is 22. (-1) (15.06.2011)

84,84% of group's top artists* come from the UK (-0,03%)
9,44% come from the USA (-0,18%)
2,9% come from Australia (-0,03%)
2,56% come from Germany (+0,2%)
0,1% come from Russia
0,04% come from Belgium
0,04% come from Ireland

* - overall stats.

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