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Just dug this one out #14 - When I Was Born for the 7th Time by Cornershop

(originally posted on Everything's Swirling)

My mum was Anglo-Indian, she grew up in Calcutta with an Indian mother and a British father and they had a huge family. Ten or eleven brothers and sisters and all the aunts, uncles, cousins and nephews that comes along with that. And a good chunk of that family lived in or around London so I grew up tolerating huge family get-togethers, regular trips to Southall to shop, eating curries and hearing music that was different to the music I liked. Cornershop were a band that made the indie guitar music I liked but in amongst it were the sounds of those family get togethers or those trips to Southall.

When I Was Born for the 7th Time made it to my best albums of 1997 list but I very rarely listen to it these days and while it probably didn't deserve that accolade I've enjoyed listening to it a lot more than I expected I would

There are gems…Sleep on the Left Side is a fantastic opener, the moment when Paula Frazer arrives in Good to Be on the Road Back Home is almost perfect "make way for a lady", and I love Norwegian Wood ever if it does have a slightly tacked-on-the-end-as-an-afterthought feel. Brimful of Asha hasn't yet been ruined by over-familiarity and that Norman Cook remix…here’s the proof…


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