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Just dug this one out: #10 - The Doors


I often wake up with music in my head and no real understanding how it got there, more often than not it'll be Bohemian Rhapsody or the theme from Terry and June. Today it was The Doors. I haven't listened to The Doors for many MANY years. Part of stretching my musical awareness beyond what the radio or my parents played involved listening to The Doors, as well as Neil Young, The Velvet Underground and stacks of heavy metal. So for a short while in the 5th and lower 6th I listened to The Doors quite a lot. Mostly it was Ray Manzarek (and to a lesser extent Krieger) that kept me listening, not Jim Morrison - in fact I probably stopped listening at the point where I became more aware of Morrison.

I bought a couple of CDs in a sale a few years ago (at least 15 years!) as the records were boxed up somewhere and it was easier to buy cheap CDs rather than hunting down the LPs - but I'm not sure I ever played them…until this morning…when The Doors inexplicably invaded my head.

So the debut album, The Doors, was still astonishingly familiar considering how long it was since I'd dug it out. It was still Manzarek's keyboards that pulled it all together and it was still Morrison's voice that started to grate after a while. But while it occasionally drifted into the tiresome (End of the Night) or just plain daft (Alabama Song) I found myself surprised to be quite enjoying a dip into a part of my musical coming-of-age that I have pretty much ignored for the last 20 years.

I pulled out LA Woman too but think I might shove it back on the shelves unplayed until next time The Doors get into my head.

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