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Queensberry's 2nd Album "On my own"

Queensberry is a German girl group, formed in December 2009 during the 7th season of the German version of "Popstars" TV show. The quartet is composed of singers Leonore Bartsch ('Leo'), Gabriella De Almeida Rinne ('Gabby'), Antonella Trapani ('Anto'), and Victoria Ulbrich ('Vicky'). Their debut album "Volume I" (Release Date: December 12, 2008) reached gold status in Germany. It produced their first single "No Smoke" and "I Can't Stop Feeling" (RD: February 20, 2009). "Too Young" (Bonus track of "Volume I - Deluxe Edition" from June 26, 2009) did chart at a Top.5 position in Germany. Since May 6th, 2009 Queensberry were working on their 2nd studio album, "On my own". The tracklist includes "Too Young", and the 2nd album's first single "Hello (Turn Your Radio On)".
"On my own" will be in stores November 6, 2009, with the promotional single "Hello (Turn Your Radio On)" released October 23, 2009.

Queensberry – http://www.last.fm/group/Queensberry

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