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The Itunes Game redone

1. Sort by song

First Song:

Last Song:

2. Sort by time

Shortest song:
We Like Meat

Longest song:
The Story So Far

3. Sort by artist-

First artist:
Adam Sandler

Last artist:
8 Ball and MJG

4. Key word search-

'Sex': 76(not all from song names)
'Death': 12
'Love': 274(not all from song names)
'You': 601(same deal)
'Me': 1621(I bet a lot of from the middle of words, Same will come up as me and so on)
'Drugs': 2(lots of songs about them)
'Hate': 26(the word whatever contributes to more than half)

5. Do the shuffle. (first 5 shuffled songs from entire library)

1:The Noose
2:I Can't See Your Face In My Mind
3:See Saw
4:Sie Liebt Dich (gotta love the german versions on past masters)
5:Slight of Hand

6. Song/Video Count: 5992 and counting
Time: 15 days, 16 hours, 45 minutes, and 50 seconds
Size: 35.59GB

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