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Japanese Brilliance

It occurred to me today as I was listening to the "thrash opera" awesomeness of 夢中夢 that there is an odd preponderance of Japanese music in my library and that it is rare that a week goes by that I do not listen to something out of Japan.

Besides 夢中夢 (or Mutyumu)…


…there is the mind-boggling noise rock of Boredoms:


Then we have psychedelic jazz rock collective Rovo:



And the all-girl mayhem that is OOIOO, who are just about as far away as it is possible to be from that which first springs to mind when one hears the phrase "Japanese girl band".


Also lurking in my library are the (to me at least) somewhat mysterious Nav Katze. Are they eclectic genre-spanning oriental electronic genii or bubblegum pop-merchants whose music has been remixed by an array of well known IDM artists as part of some of some kind of in-joke? I cannot find a satisfactory answer.

And of course I must not forget the various incarnations of Acid Mothers Temple (arrived at by way of Hawkwind and Gong), plus Kashiwa Daisuke and LSD March.

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