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Special Needs


so this time I’m very early with my entry, because I will be totally busy for the rest of the day.
And it’s also a short


Most played artists:
> Florence + The Machine : two words: new album.
> Darren Hayes : my copy of the Deluxe Version of his new album arrived. :-)
> Wilco : have read a great review of their music. That’s why I’m trying to get to know their sound.

Most played tracks:
> See Me : such a great song - especially when you’d like to get some sleep (or just can’t stop thinking).
> Special Needs : one of my favorite Placebo songs. I like the piano tune in the background.

Just a few more hours and then I can finally listen to the debut album of The Sound of Arrows. :-)
Oh, and the EMAs took place last night. But I wasn’t really able to follow the show. That’s why my review to that will be posted later (or next week).


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