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Don't Let Me Get Me

Good evening,

I just had the pleasure to watch P!nk's Funhouse Tour on DVD which should explain the title.
I have to say that it was just epic to see such a great show. It makes me want to revisit her albums (which I will do soon). ^^

Alright, now back to the main point here - namely…
Last week in covers:
Noteworthy artists: I'm currently getting into music by KT Tunstall and Lissie whilst revisiting Michelle Branch and enjoying Sarah McLachlan's and Madonna's latest records.

Stats time!

Most played artists:

> Sophie B. Hawkins : I hereby announce that this will be my artist of the next month. I'm still amazed how great her music is. I just read that she's about to release another album (her last one is from 2004).

> Miike Snow : I'm still kind of curious about the songs from Miike Snow. So I will continue to take a closer look to them.

> PlayRadioPlay! : Oy, I was very happy to rediscover his/their album "Texas" last week. They make some finy catchy tunes. ^^

Most played tracks:

> Plastic Jungle : This track represents a whole bunch of Miike Snow tracks I was listening to last week, but unfortunately they all seem very unfamiliar to me.

> Right Beside You : I know that was one (if not her only) big hit in the 1990s, but it's so good. I really love this song. It doesn't get boring. :-)

> Without Gravity : And that song stands for all the PlayRadioPlay! songs of last week. I think the overall tone of the album is pretty consistent.

Well, I just have this: Taylor Swift has a new album out now - called "Speak Now". I listened to some songs recently and I guess that it might be better than her last record which couldn't really convince me.


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