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I think it's that time again

to evaluate my top tracks of a group I've come to consider a lifetime favorite.

Depeche Mode

Agent Orange
Any Second Now
Blasphemous Rumours*
But Not Tonight*
Dream On
Fly on the Windscreen*
Here Is the House*
In Chains
Love in Itself
People are People
A Question of Lust
A Question of Time
Shake the Disease
Suffer Well
Walking In My Shoes

*stand outs

I will narrow this down over time, and possibly put them in preferential order.
I never fully realized how solid, accomplished, and diverse Depeche Mode is until just a few days ago. I can't seem to kick it now. 3 days and counting of listening to only The Mode. I'm not one to go for days, hours even, continuously listening to one single band/group/artist. With Depeche, there's a song for every mood, feeling, and situation. It's like riding a roller coaster, really.

I am personally honored and fucking stoked to see them live next month.

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