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Crayon Fields - The Silverlake Lounge, Los Angeles, CA March 15, 2010

A personal night to remember.

When we entered the Silverlake Lounge, the band, being the first of 5 to play that night, were the only ones in there and so I didn't have the courage to walk over to them. Thankfully Scott was there to break the ice (by proclaiming everything the band meant to me, making me more nervous). They were genuinely pleased, and were surprised that we'd made the drive up from San Diego to see them play. They asked how I'd heard of them and I gave credit to Knut of Eardrums for first hearing 'Mirror Ball' on one of his compilations, and to Andy Hazel of Australia (Band: "We know him!") I got my Mirror Ball 7" signed and had a picture taken with them. (Scott: "Happy wife, happy life).

Later on, I had an even longer chat with Guy Blackman. I suggested a street team and we also discussed guitar playing and the Australian music scene. He was nice enough to give me a Chapter Music CD sampler of current bands he's promoting. Band manager Ben O 'Connor came over and introduced himself when he heard I made the 2-hour trek. There was a small but attentive crowd when they began to play and Geoff dedicated the set to me for driving up for the show!! They also played a NEW song called 'Somewhere Good'. Yes! The sound system was surprisingly good (I've never been there) and the band's vocals were perfect and audible. Although, as the other bands played, the music, though good, only got louder than necessary I think, given a mostly shoegazey and psychedlic sound. The beautiful vocals for 'headliner' Seaspin's singer unfortunately got buried.

What a night! I wonder (but hope) if I'll ever see this band I love in such a small and intimate bar again. I wish them lots of success at SXSW and beyond.

They played:
Somewhere Good
Voice of Paradise
Would It Be So Strange
Lucky Again
Mirror Ball
All The Pleasures of The World

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