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Cheesy headline? Ga Ga for Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

Spoon never fails to disappoint.
Their new album, Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (can't forget that name), has more of a feel from my first album of theirs, Girls Can Tell. Livelier yet subtle bass lines, the addition of some brass and other new instruments, and the ever-solid Daniels vocals deliver like a seasoned gamer on NES Paperboy.
This album is like seeing the x-girlfriend you had a couple of years ago that left town and returned in your favorite bar with a new haircut. The surroundings are familiar and cozy, you're definitely into it, but there's something new and exciting.
You won't find a real radio hit along the lines of I Turn My Camera On, but you'll find every song a new achievement that I've come to expect from Spoon. "The Ghost of You Lingers" is reminiscent of Paper Tiger is a haunting round of voices reaching out from the dark to lasso you back in. "The Underdog" is a bouncy tune that changes gears playfully and is among their best work ever. "My Little Japanese Cigarette Case" is a cooler Asian spin than an authentic Buddha on a lazy susan in the best decorated Bohemian living room.
When this one comes out next month and you've liked their previous stuff, don't hesitate. I took to it faster than Gimme Fiction. The changes are solid as always and will give you 200 more cool points than expected.

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