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Top 20 Albums of the 2000s: 10-1 (a work in progress)

10) Radiohead - In Rainbows
This is Radiohead in top form. Years of experimentation, changing direction, all seemed to be leading up to this. While older albums "Ok Computer" and "Kid A" were part of a unified whole, In Rainbows presents 10 tracks that stand perfectly on their own, each demonstrating different things they do right: jazzy arrangements, unusual meters, big rock songs, floating balladry, shifting moods. It's a band that dedicated to great albums using all it's learned to make great individual songs and proving they'll never run out of ideas.

Key Tracks: Bodysnatchers, Nude, Jigsaw Falling Into Place

9) Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

Key Tracks: Don't Make Me A Target, The Underdog, Black Like Me

8) Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

Key Tracks: Jesus, Etc., Heavy Metal Drummer, I'm The Man Who Loves You

7) Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion
Animal Collective have been my favorite band for a while. But I never suspected that they were capable of something like this. Contrary to their previous recordings, which were either freewheeling or raucous, this one finds them controlled and harnessing their energy. And the sounds on this album! I've listened to it so many times, and every time, I still hear something new.

Key Tracks: My Girls, Summertime Clothes, Lion in a Coma

6) Spoon - Kill the Moonlight

Key Tracks: The Way We Get By, Something To Look Forward To, Jonathon Fisk

5) Arcade Fire - Funeral

Key Tracks: Neighborhood #3 (Power Out), , Wake Up, Rebellion (Lies)

4) The National - Alligator

Key Tracks: Karen, All The Wine, Mr. November

3) Radiohead - Kid A

Key Tracks: The National Anthem, , Idioteque, Morning Bell

2) Modest Mouse - The Moon & Antarctica
Modest Mouse are best when documenting journeys. The Lonesome Crowded West was the perfect roadtrip album. And this is the perfect headtrip album. Listening to it really feels like a journey through consciousness, exploring loneliness, despair, restlessness, and so on. That's to say nothing of the music, which shifts to fit its moods perfectly. It can be subdued and introspective one moment, angry and outward-looking another moment.

Key Tracks: Gravity Rides Everything, Paper Thin Walls, Lives

1) Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
This is an odd choice for number one. It didn't change my life, like some albums did. It didn't really change music, like runners-up The Moon and Antartica, Kid A, Funeral, and even AC's own Merriweather Post Pavillion. But it's my number one because it contains everything I like about Animal Collective, nay, about music, and stretches it to the extreme. It is the most exciting album I have ever heard. It's jarring, with screaming and loud effects in songs like "Peacebone" and "For Reverend Green". It's poppy and anthemic at times, such as "Fireworks" and "Derek". It's creepy in places. For one band to do all these things over the course of an album is truly an accomplishment.

Key Tracks: Peacebone, Chores, Fireworks

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