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SONG A DAY: March 2009

March 1, 2009: Pavement- Here- There's something bleak here, obviously, but there's also something strangely comforting.

March 2, 2009: Morrissey- Something Is Squeezing My Skull- Morrissey is back, and rocking the fuck out.

March 3, 2009: The Smiths- Panic- I've been on a bit of a Smiths kick lately. This is one of the first Smiths songs I liked, because it's so damn catchy.

March 4, 2009: Ben E. King- Stand By Me- I have no shame in singing this loudly in public.

March 5, 2009: Polaris- Hey Sandy- This brings back memories.

March 6, 2009: Bon Iver- Skinny Love- I get Bon Iver now. I just need to be in the right mood. And when I'm in a Bon Iver mood, I can tell.

March 7, 2009: Andrew Bird- Oh No- A highlight of a great album.

March 8, 2009: The Cramps- Human Fly

March 9, 2009: Animal Collective- Leaf House- There's so much going on in this song that it takes a while to take it all in.

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