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Song A Day: April 07

April 1, 2007: Theologians- This song is gorgeous. My favorite Wilco song. Maybe it's just cause I'm a sucker for piano.

April 2, 2007: My Love- Yes, I finally bought into the JT hype. I resisted this song for as long as I could, just to prove that I'm not a slave to Pitchfork and/or popular culture. Turns out I am, but I don't care. It's fun.

April 3, 2007: Evil Is- Dun-dun-dun-dun-DUN! METAL CLICHES! I'm pretty sure it's not what Early Man intended, but this song is so cheesy it's fun. As opposed to, say, Boris, who I completely respect as metal band, and most other metal bands who just suck. There's a hint of ironic fun to be found in Early Man. It's just hard to take them seriously with those lyrics.

April 4, 2007: Danger! High Voltage- Oh man, I'm addicted to this song. Fake British accents, Jack White sounding like a woman, a funky bassline, and several catchy phrases to yell. What more could I want?

April 5, 2007: Quedate Luna- Beautiful. Devendra differes from his fellow freak-folkers by managing to always sound completely human.

April 6, 2007: It's All Gonna Break- Broken Social Scene come off sounding like a stadium-rock band in this epic closer to their best album, and that's a good thing. What makes BSS so much better than You Forgot it in People is the lack of restraint, especially on songs like this one.

April 7, 2007: Doin' The Cockroach- Tempo changes kick your ass and mine.

April 8, 2007: Clark Gable- OMG it's the Postal Service.

April 9, 2007: Red Right Ankle- Somehow I managed to miss the beauty of this song the first few times I listened to it. But it's good. Really, really good.

April 10, 2007: Getting Better- Oh, good, it's getting better.

April 11, 2007: Fake Empire- The National make songs of such greatness that their greatness can't even be fully realized until they're firmly imprinted in your brain. This is one of those songs. And it's got a very Arcade Firian intro-build form. Unlike anything on Alligator, and yet familiar enough. Perfection.

April 12, 2007: Teenage Riot- Just because. I can't even do this song justice with words. High art. Perfection.

April 13, 2007: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots- My favorite song from a Broadway musical.

April 14, 2007: You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar, But I Feel Like a Millionaire- Because I like to run around the house and yell loudly.

April 15, 2007: Wake Up, Ma and Pa Are Gone

April 16, 2007: Hajnal

April 17, 2007: There She Goes Again

April 18, 2007: I'm Only Sleeping

April 19, 2007: Believe E.S.P.

April 20, 2007: Red Rabbits

April 21, 2007: Paint It Black

April 22, 2007: Earth Intruders

April 23, 2007: Tamagnocchi

April 24, 2007: Abel

April 25, 2007: La Paga

April 26, 2007: Monkey Gone to Heaven

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