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Top Ten List

Take your current Top 10 artists and list the first song you heard, the one that made you fall in love and your current favourite.

My list:

1. Black Moth Super Rainbow
First song I heard: Drippy Eye
Fell in love with: Sun Lips
Current favourite: When the Sun Grows On Your Tongue

2. Animal Collective
First song I heard: Peacebone
Fell in love with: Leaf House
Current favourite: Kids on Holiday

3. Beck
First song I heard: Tough to say since I grew up on him…Definitely something from Odelay
Fell in love with: Hotwax
Current favourite: Modern Guilt

4. Kings of Leon
First song I heard: Knocked Up
Fell in love with: King of the Rodeo
Current favourite: California Waiting

5. Elliott Smith
First song I heard: Coming Up Roses
Fell in love with: Needle in the Hay
Current favourite: L.A.

6. WHY?
First song I heard: The Vowels Pt. 2
Fell in love with: By Torpedo Or Crohn's
Current favourite: Sanddollars

7. Tobacco
First song I heard: Backwoods Altar
Fell in love with: Yum Yum Cult
Current favourite: Hairy Candy

8. Wolf Parade
First song I heard: Modern World
Fell in love with: Fancy Claps
Current favourite: The Grey Estates

9. The National
First song I heard: Mistaken For Strangers
Fell in love with: Brainy
Current favourite: Mr. November

10. Handsome Furs
First song I heard: Cannot Get Started
Fell in love with: Dead + Rural
Current favourite: Nyet Spasiba

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