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How I Met My Top Ten

Found this on another page… guess I'm not that busy any more… Ha ha…

Post your top ten bands/artists, the first song you heard of theirs, the song that made you fall in love, and your current favorite.

01. Placebo
First Song Heard: Without You I'm Nothing (I guess…)
Fell In Love With: Without You I'm Nothing (took a while!)
Current Favourite: Meds (the album)

02. The Cure
First Song Heard: Boys Don't Cry
Fell In Love With: The Head On The Door (album)
Current Favourite: Labyrinth

03. Clash (Thai Clash)
First Song Heard: Rok pra-jum tu
Fell In Love With: Rok pra-jum tu
Current Favourite: Rok pra-jum tu

04. Johnny Cash
First Song Heard: Folsom Prison Blues
Fell In Love With: Solitary Man
Current Favourite: I Hung My Head

05. Interpol
First Song Heard: Untitled
Fell In Love With: Evil
Current Favourite: Take You On A Cruise

06. Frank Zappa
First Song Heard: I Have Been In You
Fell In Love With: Sheik Yerbouti (album)
Current Favourite: Zoot Allures (album)

07. Teenage Prostitute
This one doesn't count… It's my own band.
Not even sure I like their shit… ;-)

08. Morrissey
First Song Heard: Is It Really So Strange (The Smiths)
Fell In Love With: Alsatian Cousin
Current Favourite: I Have Forgiven Jesus

09. Frank Black
First Song Heard: Bossanova (album) (The Pixies)
Fell In Love With: Speedy Marie
Current Favourite: Manitoba

10. Tom Waits
First Song Heard: (no idea!)
Fell In Love With: (some live bootleg)
Current Favourite: the whole lot!

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