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Sunken Foal – Mother of God


Great news! Sunken Foal has new music for your listening pleasure – he’s released a new 6-track EP titled “Mother of God” and if it’s half as good as his Fallen Arches release on Planet Mu a while back, it’s going to be awesome.

This man writes some incredible electronic music. Well worth checking out.

You can read the release post over on Acroplane.org, or buy it directly from Boomkat, Addictech, Juno, Amazon, or Emusic.

Two years after their well-received Planet Mu album, Sunken Foal return with six tracks for Acroplane. Mother Of God finds their sound at a juncture of Alex Smoke-like, Autechre-referencing electronica in Low Mountain Light Socket and the mercury fuming synths and quickstep syncopations of Gift Knee Pads, while Colloidal Glass is a glassy IDM configuration and Platforms like some swaggering Gescom beat. Ace.

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