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Woody's A Girl - feature album #2

The second Woody's A Girl feature album of 2012 is She Hates You, which contains more of my earliest recordings. The tracklist for the album is as follows (with featured songs denoted by an *):

1. Comes To Me 3:31 (6)
2. Assassin/Flawless 2:39 (7)
3. Amy 2:24 (6)
4. Back Flip* 2:43 (6)
5. Judgement Line* 2:59 (5)
6. Osity 2:14 (4)
7. I Need Sleep* 2:05 (9)
8. Diamond* 1:58 (4)
9. Eh Donatello 3:08 (3)
10. Red* 3:52 (12)
11. Run Like A Man (Edit)* 3:53 (8)
12. Amy (Slow) 2:53 (3)
13. Play 2:19 (1)
14. Comes To Me (2009)

There are some songs I'm quite fond of on this one, and overall it's more of a winner (for me) than its predecessor, Sour. I'd say it's half autobiographical and half fiction.

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