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Kyuss - Perth 2011

Wed 11 May – Kyuss Lives!

Last night I went to see Kyuss at Club Capitol in Perth. Firstly I'd like to say to anyone who claims mosh pits are a thing of the past: you're wrong!! Secondly, I'd like to say I didn't need to wash my hair last night, at least not before going to that show. Afterwards, I had no choice unless I wanted to sleep with alcohol-soaked hair. And no, it wasn't my alcohol. I'm pretty sure it is just that particular venue that attracts these sorts of people. I've seen two rather different bands there lately and have been roughed up in the mosh both times! I'm too old for this, people!! Hehe. Whereas at other venues I've gone to, there's no crowd surfing, no surge of the crowd so that you think you might lose your footing, none of that old school stuff.

Anyway…the show was great, and they played all my favourites (I do like Demon Cleaner though, which they didn't play :D). Songs they played that I recognised were:

One Inch Man
Freedom Run
El Rodeo
100 Degrees

Encore 1
Spaceship Landing
Allen's Wrench

Encore 2
Green Machine

And of course, more that I can't remember. ;)

At first John Garcia looked unlike his usual self, but late in the night he took his hair down and he looked more like the guy I had expected. I felt like his voice warmed up throughout the evening and became more like it sounds on record. The crowd seemed to be having an awesome time - I know I was!

At one point there was a young guy who threw himself out of the crowd for some air - to me he looked like he was on something. He went and wrapped himself up in a curtain at the side of the venue, as if wanting to be whisked away to the land of Oz or something. Or maybe he was just trying to dry off his sweat on the curtain…

P.S. I'm editing this to add a note about the support band, Fort, who were very rockin' indeed! Apparently the lead guy is originally from Perth? Anyway, I bought their self-titled album for $10 - bargain!!

Updated setlist:

One Inch Man
Conan Troutman
Freedom Run
Supa Scoopa and Mighty Scoop
Fatso Forgotso
Un Sandpiper
El Rodeo

Spaceship Landing
Allen's Wrench

Encore 2:
Green Machine

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