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My room smells like farts...(and I don't know why)

I think the title says it all.

So I haven't changed my music listening over the past week. It's been the same stuff, over and over.

I was talking with some people at the bar last night about rock and roll, and they wouldn't get off of bands like Pantera, AC/DC, and Motorhead. Granted, these bands do have a position as being good rock bands, I don't find them to be the some of the greatest. We did talk of bands such as The Misfits, Danzig (obviously a related talk), and even a bit about Mando Diao. This discussion did lead me to a "new" Mando song The Wildfire (If It Was True), which I scrobbled a few minutes ago and enjoyed thoroughly.

Anyways, keep pumping those tracks.

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