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The Cars

Every once in a while, I get the urge to listen to The Cars' Greatest Hits. A LOT. There is something about this music that just screams summertime to me, and for a week or two it makes a perfect soundtrack to my life before I go back to listening to whatever other music catches my interest.

I've had it on cassette since I was about 6 years old because I loved the video for You Might Think; in this digital age, I decided to download an MP3 copy so that I could listen to it on the computer, and finally today I decided to burn a copy to CD to listen to in the car. I played a few tracks for my kids today, and when Since You're Gone came on, my 3 year old said "WOW!" and asked to hear the intro 3 or 4 times. It's nice to see that he enjoys some of the same music that I enjoyed when I was just a little one. :)

Here is the video for "You Might Think". Again, it's nice to see that it's still just as awesome after all these years:


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