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"You're the idiot who keeps believing in luck" (8/18/2010)

"You suggest a ghost, perhaps a phantom, I agree with this in part"

Poison the Well – Horns And Tails
Pet - Bed
Letters to Cleo - Fast Way
Tori Amos - Wednesday
Tori Amos - Here in My Head
Aaliyah - We Need A Resolution
Alien Ant Farm - Hope
Lou Reed - Perfect Day
Autolux - Supertoys
Aimee Mann - That's Just What You Are
Aimee Mann - It's Not Safe
Fiona Apple - Oh Well
Fiona Apple - Parting Gift

"Oh wonderful one, why are you like that?"
Devendra Banhart - Dogs They Make Up the Dark
Björk - Wanderlust
Blonde Redhead - Melody
Warpaint - Stars

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