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I Miss/ed You

I've been without my library of music since May, when I got a new computer. I gave my old computer to my girlfriend.

So the music wasn't lost, it was just 'out of reach'.

I burnt a CD from that collection the other night:

1- I Know You Are, But What Am I?
2- Snow Owl
3- King of Carrot Flowers Part 2 & 3
4- Chinese Handcuffs
5- Chemicals
6- This Weather
7- Stereo
8- La La Love You
9- Pagina Dos
10- Androgynous
11- Vapour Trail
12- Night Society
13- Happy House
14- Jumpers
15- William, It Was Really Nothing
16- To Be Of Use
17- 93 'Til Infinity
18- Troubbble
19- Dumb I Sound
20- Hello Hawk
21- When I Spent October With Erik
22- Here Before


iNdIe 4 LyFe!!!!!!!

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