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Music Meme

Which song…

1. Reminds you of an ex-lover/boyfriend/girlfriend: Hit'Em Up Style (Oops!) , Good Luck (Feat Lisa Kekaula)
2. Makes you cry: Area Codes, Luka
3. Makes you laugh: Fish Headsand I’m An Asshole
4. Makes you want to dance: Bing Bang, Tripping
5. What songs/albums were "written for you": A Grand Don’t Come For Free I practically lived through it twice!
6. You never want to hear it again: I Will Survive The lady doth protest too much…
7. You want to get married to: All My Life and Always and Forever
8. You like to wake up to: Playing With Knives
9. You like out of your parents' record collection: Paul Simon, Elvis Presley, Beres Hammond and all the soca.
10. You love that you wouldn't know about if it wasn't for a friend: Queen (but I use the word "friend" extremely loosely here). Hard to Beat
11. Reminds you of your now crushes/loves: Strange and Beautiful, Take Me Out and Do You Want To
12. Makes you think of sex: More Than A Woman, Empty Cans (the rhythmn/melody)
13. Makes you think of being alone: Empty Cans (the words)
14. You love to sing: White Christmas
15. Will be played at your funeral: The Burial. Well what do I care? I’ll be dead!

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