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student music

my study habits directly relate to the music i am listening to, i think.

when i listen to music non-stop all night, it means i have a paper due the next day. like tonight.

listening to Frederic Chopin or Sergei Rachmaninoff is a good sign - it means i am attempting to do something intelligent.

American Analog Set or Tunng means i have given up on intelligence, and am probably staring blankly at the screen.

Shout Out Out Out Out is a bad sign, the beginning of the end. it means i have run out of caffeine, usually at about 4am, and am desperately trying to stay awake. some half-hearted scissor kicks in the air to Self Loathing Rulz probably won't help.

Currently i am listening to +/-. what does that mean? i should have started writing this a week ago.

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