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Some nice Radiohead videos

If you have looked at my profile you may have noticed I'm a bit of a Radiohead fan with their plays being FAR ahead of anyone else. Anyway, looking on youtube over the years I have found a few Radiohead videos which are pretty amazing.

Now, I'm not going to be posting official music videos, but some live performances that I particularly like, and I hope you do!

First one has to be this beautiful solo acoustic Thom Yorke video of Black Star. Unfortunately it is not complete but it really showcases his brilliant vocals back in the 90's, and its one of my favourite finds from youtube….


Next is an awesome early version of No Suprises, its so amazing. I love the album version even if it may be one of my least favourites from OK Computer, but this early version is so much better, and the my absolute favourite from the early OK Computer tracks. Different lyrics, spectacular vocals, please check it out now!!!


Next, this is not a rare song or even performance really, but it is without a doubt my favourite version of Street Spirit (Fade Out). I once read somewhere that Thom Yorke is not singing, he is crying. Now that is a bit cheesy, but this video is raw with emotion that gets me every time. Oh yeah, its probably one of his best vocal performances ever!


Now, a somewhat newer song, the live acoustic version of the unrealeased (as yet) song The Present Tense. One of my favourites of late and I wanted it to appear on The King Of Limbs, but after hearing the album I was glad this was not transformed into some electronica thing. Anyway, this songs shows Thom can still sing amazingly, if he would just stop dancing around!


Next, the old version of Reckoner, aka the old guitar version of Feeling Pulled Apart By Horses. There were a few quite under-developed versions of this song around where the main hook was Thom yelling 'Pa Pa Pa', but this one has brilliantly changed that to 'Gimme a fair slice, gimme a fair slice or I'll summon the Reckoner'…much better. I really wanted an official release of this song in a guitar based form, sadly its never to be….


Thats all for now folks, I will update this with more as I find/think of them. Please comment with suggestions and I will update this list with them if i like them enough!

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