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not that anyone will care, my review :P

Wed 24 Feb – Bleeding Through, The Boy Will Drown, This Is Colour

This Is Colour: damn "hardcore." ¬_¬ ahem.. I suppose they were a good opening act.. if you're into that sort of music at least. where as I found myself taking the piss. that's all I'm going to say about those. 3/10

The Boy Will Drown: now I was looking forward to seeing these. mainly due to the fact I was meant to see them a year or so ago. but that gig got cancelled. anyway, I think it was a brave choice for the promoter to put a Hardcore band, a Deathcore band and Metal (Metalcore, just so I have "core" for each :P) band on the same line up. as of course each draw a different crowd. ANYWAY, I feel due to this fact, The Boy Will Drown somewhat suffered. I mean, sure, towards the last four songs. Some people started to get into the music. but it just seems everyone else was like "wtf?" :| however I do have to say that listening to The Boy Will Drown on CD and live is different. vocals wise that is. ah well. 6/10

Bleeding Through: what can I say? I'll say nothing, I will instead quote. "If you asked me I would say these smaller venues." (ok, maybe not a direct quote. but those that were there will know what I mean.) the energy Bleeding Through created was, well amazing. oh, and the new stuff sounds awesome. 10/10

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