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the creature stressed that i play more noise.

//. make me: kill;lll high aspirations. i won't hold still…

. <3 .. . … ..

god is an astronaut. route 666. a merging of post-rock and idm…techno…very…i don't know…moving…agitating…

it's just so beautiful. it takes over my body like the waves do when i'm out
by the breakers and the sand squishes between my toes…i know that i talk about this quite about…the feeling of complete loss
of control…
the feeling of wielding
to the mass of water before me…

it's a recurring them in my life, i guess.

i am to embark on a journey soon…
… . . … . … .. … …. .. ..

last night, i stood serenely in the middle of the woods and listened to the sounds of night and to myself. my mind wove together a peaceful track of nighttime percussive noise for me to recreate later to the best of my abilities.

on a different note:

the 65daysofstatic song earlier made me think of this:

it sounds like a mad little drummer boy hitting his girlfriend over the calm of an evening summer rain.

Route 666Lost Symphony65daysofstaticWax FuturesPity And Fearblood musicwhen we were younger & bettersuicide by starelysian fields

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