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Itunes Survey (bored)

Total number of tracks: 2216

Sort by song title:
-First Song: A.B.C. - Another Bad Creation
-Last Song: ÷ by Aly & AJ

Sort by album
-First album: A - Apple Trees & Tangerines
-Last album: 8701 - Usher

Top 10 Played Songs
Contemplate - Wale
Boy Without a Heart - JoJo
Wouldn't Change a Thing - Demi Lovato & Joe Jonas
Holla At Me - Chris Brown & Tyga
I'm In Love - Brandon Hines
Steady - Brandon Hines
In The Dark - JoJo
Where Did U Go? - Brandon Hines
Never Say Goodbye - JoJo
Impossible - Shontelle

"sex", how many songs come up?: 48
"love", how many songs come up?: 270
"you", how many songs come up?: 292
"death", how many songs come up? 4 (all Tupac lol)
"hate", how many songs come up? 24
"wish" how many songs come up? 2

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