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iTunes Quiz II!

yay, I like stealing quizes… :-)

I'm meant to shuffle my iTunes and answer the questions with the songs it tells me, I think… I think I forgot to copy the instructions!


How does the world see me?
Song: I'll Bet He Was Cool
Artist: Savage Garden
Comments: well, I am quite cool, so I can see why the world "bets" I was cool!

Will I have a happy life?
Song: Big Fun
Artist: S Club 8
Comments: yay!… fun stuff makes me happy, so this is good… ^_^

What do my friends really think of me?
Song: Fix You
Artist: Coldplay
Comments: oh… I'm not broke though!?

Do people secretly lust after me?
Song: Hot Fudge
Artist: Robbie Williams
Comments: hehe!… I'm not sure what that means, but maybe!

How can I make myself happy?
Song: Somebody's Somebody
Artist: Christina Aguilera
Comments: hmm, I'm thinking that means making someone else happy would make me happy!… maybe!

What should I do with my life?
Song: A Thousand Miles
Artist: Vanessa Carlton
Comments: hmm… I should walk a thousand miles… for some reason, I'm thinking NO!… that's too far!

Why should life be full of so much pain?
Song: You're So Right For Me
Artist: Rooster
Comments: yeh, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean… o_O

How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
Song: All About Us
Artist: t.A.T.u.
Comments: hmm… I shall think of that is working together or something!… like, it's all about both people… or something… I don't know!

Will I ever have children?
Song: A Little Deeper
Artist: Ms. Dynamite
Comments: sicko!… I'm thinking this means, no, I just wanna have lots of deep meaningless sex!… maybe!

Will I die happy?
Song: Breathe Easy
Artist: Blue
Comments: this prolly means, yes!… and I am going to have good lungs too!

What is some good advice for me?
Song: Walk Away
Artist: P!nk
Comments: oh…

What is happiness?
Song: Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But..
Artist: Arctic Monkeys
Comments: huh!?… hmm… this probably means that watching Buffy makes people happy!… which is quite true, cos it's cool… :-)

What is my favourite fetish?
Song: The Shy One
Artist: B*Witched
Comments: hehe!… I wanna do shy people!… how weird!

How will I be remembered?
Song: See Who I Am
Artist: Within Temptation
Comments: hmm… people will realise that they didn't know me, and see who I really am!?… I dunno!

that was quite cool!


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