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New mash-up! The Killers vs. White Lies

Today I finally completed my 12-month mandatory military service and I'm a FREE man again! No more swabbing the decks and peeling potatoes for me! To celebrate the event I made A Fairytale To Hide, a new mash-up that brings together two of my favourite bands, The Killers and White Lies. I used the instrumental from A Place To Hide by White Lies and a DIY a cappella of A Dustland Fairytale by The Killers.

Give my mash-up a listen and don't forget to leave me some feedback, will you? Cheers!

Bynar - A Fairytale To Hide (The Killers vs. White Lies)

Rapidshare link [url=http:// Once again a big shout out to my friend Rob Dust who offered his advice and mixing skills. Live long and prosper!

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