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Overall top 10 Quiz

Name your 10 overall top artists on Last.fm:

1.pink floyd
2.led zeppelin
4.the flaming lips
5.modest mouse
8.killing joke
9.regina spektor

What was the first song you ever heard by #6?:
Army of me

What is your favorite album of #2?:
Physical Graffiti

What is your favorite lyric that #5 has sung?:
Broke your glasses, but it broke the ice
You said that I was an asshole and I paid the price

How many times have you seen #4 live?:

What is your favorite song by #7?:

What is a good memory you have involving the music of #10?:
Rockin' out with Nate in the car

Is there a song of #3 that makes you sad?:
It doesn't really make me sad, but their cover of Goin' Blind is kind of a downer

What is your favorite lyric that #2 has sung?:
Changes fill my time
Baby, that's all right with me
In the midst I think of you
And how it used to be

What is your favorite song by #9?:
The Flowers

How did you get into #3?:
Nate and Pat

What was the first song you heard by #1?:
too long ago…probably something off of Dark Side of the Moon though.

What is your favorite song by #4?:
The Train Runs over the Camel

How many times have you seen #9 live?:

What is a good memory you have involving #2?:
listening to them as a kid

Is there a song of #8 that makes you sad?:
not really…

What's your favorite album of #5?:
Good news for People that love Bad News

What is your favorite lyric that #3 has sung?
by the time you're natural
by the time you die
I'll take my head and spin it for you

What is your favorite song of #1?:
Any Colour you Like

What is your favorite song of #10?:
Angel Domain

How many times have you seen #8 live?:
never…hope they come back to the US

What is your favorite album of #1?:
Dark Side of the Moon

What is a great memory you have concerning #9?:
singing alone in the car

What was the first song you heard by #8?:
The Fall of Because

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