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Nada Surf - Scala - 21/02/08

Thu 21 Feb – Nada Surf, Rogue Wave

Supporting were Rogue Wave, a band I started listening to when I found out they were going to be supporting Nada Surf. Glad I did. They were absolutely brilliant live. Their set list was as follows:
Every Moment
Publish My Love
Chicago x12
Like I Needed
Bird on a Wire
Lake Michigan
The last 2 songs were played as a medley, with an amazing drumming interlude. I hadn't heard the more recent stuff - but today I'm going out to buy their third album. Good news is that they are coming back to London in May…I'll be going to that…

Anyway - on to Nada Surf. Everything was running late, so it was about 9:15 before they appeared. They went straight into Hi-Speed Soul, however, almost as soon as he started playing, one of Daniel's strings broke. They carried on for about a verse, then decided to stop because it "didn't sound as good without bass", and so started Blizzard of '77. They said they'd play Hi-Speed Soul later, but never did as they ran out of time.
Here is their set list. They were even better than back in January. Inside of Love was particularly great, as we all two-stepped along pretending to be a soul band. Apparently if you go and see them in May, finger-clicking and turns will be included (I might go and see them again just for that…). More stuff from the new album this time - the best for me were "Weightless" and "Ice on the Wing". A couple of appearances of songs from the first two albums - Stalemate and 80 Windows. Hyperspace was on the set list, but unfortunfortunately ended up not being played. Blankest Year was by far the best - played last - Rogue Wave joined them on stage, as we all shouted "Fuck It!". Then other people started getting up on the stage. For some reason, like a fool, despite the fact I was standing at the front, I didn't go up. Oh well, maybe in May…

More photos here

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