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100,000th played track

Around 3am on Boxing Day my tracks played counter hit the big 100,000. I've never noted any of the other 'milestone' figures, but I was lucky enough to catch this one.

Anyway, My 100,000th track milestone was Singapore - best song on the bonus greatest hits CD.

I was expecting L'Arc~en~Ciel to grab it (they were close) or some random band on my top 10. Oh well.

I've always had a soft spot for Girls Aloud, and in my view they're one of the few . I only really started to listen to them a few days ago and I'm addicted. I also bought my mother the I think we're alone now single, in a vein attempt to stop Leona Lewis from getting Xmas number one. Pretty much after I bought it, I read this - pwned.

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