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Top 10.

1) Alexisonfire
2) Atreyu
3) The Gaslight Anthem
4) Sarah McLachlan
5) Jack Off Jill
6) Enter Shikari
7) Bring Me The Horizon
8) Nirvana
9) Maximo Park
10) The Commitments.

What was the first song you ever heard by #6?
Sorry, You're Not A Winner.

What is you favorite album by #2?
The Crimson.

What is your favorite lyric sung by #5?
"Some things you lose, and some things you just give away."
Strawberry Gashes.

How many times have you seen #4 live?
That would be never, she's never toured the UK to my knowledge :(.

What is your favorite song by #7?
Possibly (I Used To Make Out With) Medusa.

Is there a song by #3 that makes you sad?
Here's Looking At You, Kid.

What is your favorite lyric sung by #2?
I have way too many! I guess probably…
"Will you still hold me when you see what I have done, will you still kiss me the same when you taste my victim's blood?"
The Crimson.

What is your favorite song by #9?
Definitely Signal And Sign.

How did you get into #3?
Alexander Croft :).

What was the first song you heard by #1?
Boiled Frogs.

What is your favorite song by #4?
Do What You Have To Do.

How many times have you seen #9 live?

What is a good memory you have concerning #2?
When I saw them live at Reading '09.

Is there a song by #8 that makes you sad?
Where Did You Sleep Last Night.

What is your favorite album by #5?
Clear Hearts Grey Flowers.

What is your favorite lyric sung by #3?
"No retreat, no regrets."
Meet Me By The River's Edge.

What is your favorite song by #1?
Oh God, not fair. Pulmonary Archery, Thrones, My God Is A Reasonable Man, Get Fighted. I can't choose.

What is your favorite song by #10?
Chain Of Fools.

How many times have you seen #8 live?
Never :'(. RIP Kurt.

What is your favorite album by #1?
Watch Out!

What is a great memory you have considering #9?
V Festival '08 with my friend Andrew, waiting to see Muse because they were on before them.

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