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I imagine that's been done before but meh.

As we all know, the prettiful song Metal Machine by Sabaton is loaded with band names/song names/lyrics that make reference to other famous metal bands. So I was bored and sans internet, so I wrote down all the references that I could make out.

I have a phobia - that something's always near (lyrics from Fear of the Dark)
A Fear of the Dark
Afraid to shoot strangers
The animal talks - I'm pretty sure this is a reference too, but I don't know it :(

Guns scare me shitless
But Love Gun's my friend

The sentinel's coming
But is this the end - The Doors song comes to mind, but it could be many other things.

Riding on this Crazy Train
I'm going Paranoid
Watch me lose my mind
And break the law - Duh.

I'm a metal machine
It's close to midnight and - ref. to Iron Maiden - 2 minutes to midnight, even if it doesn't say the exact term, it's obvious.
He's barking at the moon - Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the moon.
I'm a metal machine
the Rainbow in the dark is shining

I'm only metal machine
It's close to midnight and
He's barking at the moon
I'm a metal machine
The kings of metal ride the sky

Is this st. anger
The ultimate sin
Or have I really
A black knight within - Black Night, Deep Purple?

The gates of Babylon
Are open and wide
Shout at the devil
There's nowhere to hide

Fighting for the world to keep - Manowar - Fighting the world
The Wild Child in its cage (ok this last one was a stretch :p)
Broke my Metal Heart
Against the wall

And also a reference to their own song Masters of the World at the very end:
No, we could never fall, we're Masters of the World.

Pretty sweet stuff.

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