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My favourite one-cut videos :)

#5 Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)

I don't really like the song, but there is something in that video that just attracts… maybe it is the choreography ;)


#4 Andrzej Piaseczny - Chodź, przytul, przebacz

(The title means: "Come, hug, forgive")

Just because of inversion (the song is performed by a man, but in the video a woman is singing) this video seems too be absorbing. And the ending is also interesting.


#3 Christina Aguilera - The Voice Within

She is so natural as she can be. Just a masterpiece.


#2 Janet Jackson - When I Think of You

So serene and so humorous. Young Janet in a middle of 80s. A nice way to improve my mood :)


#1 Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World

I just can not figure out how they made this. And I can not get enough of watching.


If you got your own favourite one-cut videos, feel free to add them in a comment :) Thanks

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