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i shall title this entry "saturday morning boredom."

Name your top ten artists on Last.fm:
01. Oasis
02. The Smashing Pumpkins
03. U2
04. The Smiths
05. James
06. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
07. The Verve
08. The Stone Roses
09. Arctic Monkeys
10. Ben Harper

What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
I have no earthly idea. I can't even venture to guess.

What is your favorite album by 2?
"Siamese Dream" without a doubt.

What is your favorite lyric that 5 has sung?
Hmmmm. From "She's A Star" :
"She’s been in disguise forever
She’s tried to disguise her stellar views
Much brighter than all this static
Now she’s coming through."

If I'd think about it more, I'd probably come up with something else.

What is your favorite song by 7?
Ugh. I don't know. To be safe, I'll say "The Drugs Don't Work."

What is your favorite lyric 2 has sung?
"I send a heart to all my dearies - when your life is so, so dreary - dream."
from "Mayonaise"

What is your favorite song by 9?
I really can't say that I've got a favorite from them, really.

How did you get into 3?
When "The Joshua Tree" came out. I'll admit. I was really young and thought Bono was cute. But I saved all my allowance and bought the album. (NOT CD, THE VINYL.)

What was the first song you heard by 1?
"Live Forever"

What is your favorite song by 4?
Cliche', but I'm going with "How Soon Is Now?"

How many times have you seen 9 live?

What is a good memory you have concerning 2?
Every concert. Everything attached to my high school years. A lot of things.

Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?
The all do, knowing they'll never reform.

What is your favorite album by 5?

What is your favorite lyrics that 3 has sung?
It's kind of odd considering it's from a song that's on what I consider their worst album ever…
"She's gonna dream up the world she wants to live in
She's gonna dream out loud."
- "Zooropa"

What is your favorite song of 1?
Jeez… Right now, I'll go with "I Hope, I Think, I Know."

What is your favorite song of 10?
Ugh… Umm… Hmmm… "Forever"? Maybe?

How many times have you seen 8 live?

What is your favorite album of 1?
"Definitely Maybe"

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