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Dir en grey live in Arizona

Wed 21 Feb – Dir en grey, Bleed the Dream, Fair to Midland

I arrived at the Marquee around 4 PM. Dir en grey was doing their soundcheck, so I went over so I could hear it better. I don't know every song they played during that time, but I did hear THE FINAL, GRIEF, DISABLED COMPLEXES and Agitated Screams of Maggots. I was actually rocking out right then and there. After they were finished, I got in the line While in line, I saw Spence from the FVT forum. She talked in a very sarcastic manner so when she thought I looked bored or wasn't happy, I knew she was joking. It's not that I wasn't happy, I always look that way.

We went inside at around 6:30. The security made us TAKE OUR SHOES OFF before we entered. That fucking sucked because the ground was cold. I headed straight for the merchandise stand and got a copy of THE MARROW OF A BONE and the It withers and withers DVD. I proceeded to the stage area where I took my spot on the right side near the soundboard. That way, I could rock out all I wanted without getting pushed. It was even better that I was still very close to the stage so I could see perfectly.

At around 7:30 Bleed the Dream took the stage. I didn't expect to like them, but their bassist was fucking amazing. He was no Flea, but he was quite the showman, slapping like a maniac while still managing to do other things with his hands. I did like them overall (especially the song "It Takes a Fall"), but they were just a bit too mellow for me.

Fair to Midland took the stage around 8:15 after what seemed like forever setting up. I liked their sound, which is kind of a Rush/Led Zeppelin hybrid. However their singer Darroh Sudderth has some kind of mental problem which causes him to spaz while he's singing and drool his water profusely, and I just couldn't watch it. He also has a very large bald patch on his head from several severe anxiety attacks. Knowing this I commend the guy for just performing, but it was just too much for me.

After a long fucking time, Dir en grey finally comes on. OK, it wasn't a long time, but it felt like it. It was 9:00 or so, so it was only a 15 minute wait after FTM left.

I'll post the setlist now so I can comment on individual songs:

G.D.S. - When this came over the PA system, we knew it was time. My feelings of anxiety and nervousness were immediately replaced with tremendous excitement.


They took the stage one by one, Shinya first and Kyo last. Kyo said "FUCKER!" at the end of G.D.S. and we said it with him.

THE FATAL BELIEVER - This was my second time hearing this live, and I must say it was better than before. We all chanted with Kyo during the English parts, and I must say, yelling "KILL THEM ALL WITH THE CRAZY HAMMER!" fucking rocks.

Agitated Screams of Maggots - OH MY GOD. This was crazy. The pit started up right in front of me and it didn't let up. I absolutely loved saying "I'll rape your daughter on your grave!", which is something I would never say to anyone in a public setting.

Mr.NEWSMAN - WOW. This was never my favorite six Ugly track, but wow. It rocked. It was heavier than the album version and I fucking headbanged like a crazy motherfucker. I can't say much more.

After a quick break, DISABLED COMPLEXES started. Since this is mostly in English, everyone who had heard the song already was singing along, especially during the repeated "PSYCHO KILLER" line.

Almost immediately, they bursted right into GRIEF. DAMN THIS ROCKED LIVE. Never have I said "FUCK OFF" more times in my life, that is until they played this. During the breakdown (when Kyo says "I say destroy, fuck off"), Kyo commanded us to clap. We did so for the rest of the song, and I was happy he interacted with us.

Next was 朔-saku-, which was heavier than on the album and DVD. Kyo let us do the “Dick men, fuck off and wipe” line each time. I hope I did it justice, because I was thrashing while screaming, just like Kyo.

Kyo then did his first solo, in the position of someone lying face down at an angle with his arms behind his back, as if he was about to executed by a firing squad. That was absolutely dramatic to look at and listen to, because he was silent and still for the longest time before he started.

愛しさは腐敗につき was next, complete with all-new lyrics. The video screen showed a new video with pictures of dead trees, among other things I'm forgetting at the moment. All I know is that it was really beautiful (and Kyo making like a butterfly was cute).

Next was 孤独に死す、故に孤独。. There was nothing new here. Kyo didn't fishook this time. Instead he took a razorblade from his mouth and hacked at his chest. People were actually cheering at this point (WTF?!) while I had to turn away slightly. I can't stand the sight of blood, actually.

I can't remember what happened next (either Kyo or Die was chanting to us, I can't remember), but next song was 凌辱の雨. Everyone sang along. It was much better this time around than at FVT (that is a common theme, really) and I lost my breath trying to sing Kyo's high parts.

THE FINAL - This was the song (mostly) everyone was waiting for. I got really into it, singing every single word while seeing some drunk idiots moshing to it (another WTF moment). Kyo let us do the “so I can't live” parts and then held out the final word for the longest time ever. I will admit it right now, I went emo at that very moment.

Kyo then did his second solo. It started off as a very deep-voiced chant with lots of echo and reverb, and then transformed into some strange crying session. It was really weird.

Next was a song few of us were expecting - 蝕紅. Like Mr.NEWSMAN before it, this was also heavier than the album version. The middle section was also re-done, with Shinya pounding heavier than before, and Kyo repeated the crying thing during the a capella portion. It was amazing.

Merciless Cult was next, and the pit started going crazy again. That's about it.

dead tree on the other hand was beautiful. The video screen showed a new PV complete with WWII propaganda, which I think is brave of them, considering the anti-Japan sentiment that looms in not only Arizona, but the United States in general. At the end of it, Kyo got onto his crate, did the best Jesus pose I've ever seen, and let out an ear-piercing scream. That was brilliant, and should be experienced by everyone that appreciates music and arts.

Final song of the main set was OBSCURE. Don't really remember what happened, except that I watched Kyo the entire time while trying to avoid the pit, which had expanded.

Then the band left the stage. Several “DIR EN GREY” chants occurred during this time. After about 5 minutes or so, they came back out.

C was next. Kyo actually said “HEY!” to us, so we did it back. The performance of this on the DVD absolutely does not do this song justice. I loved hearing it.

Next was THE ⅢD EMPIRE. We got to do the “SPARK AND SPARK” parts and during the bass solo, Kyo kept saying “JUMP, JUMP!” so we did (most of us anyway).

Beautiful Dirt followed. I usually skip it when listening to Withering to death., but it's amazing in a live setting. The pit was insane, I was thrashing, and loved every minute of it.


Finally was CLEVER SLEAZOID. I can't say much except that I sang along with every word, including the now-famous last line. Kyo proceeded to bring out the bucket with the words “RAPE ME” printed on it, and got lots of cheers and applause.

And so it was over. Not much else to say except that I was deaf for a while, and I'm hurting in different places. I can't wait until Dir en grey comes back, so I can hear the other new songs from THE MARROW OF A BONE.

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