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Dinosaur Jr. in Victoria

Tue 22 May – Dinosaur Jr., Uncut, Awesome Color

Went to this show last night. Got there early, so I managed to see all the bands.

First was Awesome Color. They put on a great set, with lots of distorted guitars, typical of noise rock. The drummer was very impressive. I had not heard of them before, but I hope they have long lasting success. At the very least, I hope they were able to find a place to crash that night.

Second was Uncut. Again, I had never heard of them before, but they put on a good show as well. I didn't think they were as good as Awesome Color, though.

Dinosaur Jr. was up next. I'll admit that I haven't heard the entire discography by them, but they did play pretty much every song that I had heard by them. They played a few songs I didn't recognize first. Once they played Feel The Pain, the crowd finally started to get into it, and a small mosh pit formed. I of course, indulged. They went on to play lots of other great songs, including The Wagon, Little Furry Things, Pond Song, In A Jar and Out There. For the encore, they played a Lou Barlow led track, before kicking into Freak Scene and finally Chunks.

Though Dinosaur Jr. put on a hell of a show, I kind of wish they played a bit more to the audience. J Mascis generally kept his eyes closed while rocking back and forth when playing the songs. Lou Barlow did start "talking" to the audience (in reality, it was more of a series of screams). It appeared he was talking about Victoria, as he had a map out, but it sounded like "aaahhh aaahhh aaah Victoria, aahhh aahaahh!". Minor complaints, on the whole. I had a ton of fun, and it must have been the loudest concert I had ever been to. The fellow moshers were cool. Great show.

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