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Electronic Nightmare Playlists - March 2k9


Hecate - Eternally
Cdatakill - Vodkaspitter
Throttler - Offensive Segment
The Outside Agency - Chaos Theory
Torrent Vaccine - Beat On The Brat
Hellfish - Pay Me Respect (Original Caged Fury Part 7 by Carnage)
Rekahoe - Riddlevictim
Ely Muff - Organ Mash
Autopsy - Cut & Paste Casulty
Deathmachine - System Conflict
Detest - 2Obscore
Dolphin - Sunset Equilibrum
Eject - Everything You Touch
Scar Tissue - Powerclone
Deathmachine - Crush Victim
The DJ Producer - The Signal 2007 (Producer's Weird Energy Mix)
Sarin Assault - It Hides Inside
Igneon System - The Last Machine
Autopsy - I Sold My Sega Mega Drive For Drugs
Tripped - USAholls


Stephen James Knight - Somber Grey
Angina P - Known Issues (Semiomime Remix)
Codec - Essence (Gridlock Remix)
Dryft - Beginning Of The Out
Rekahoe - To Procreate With Gods
Railgun - Plaything
ML - Tiny Ninjas
Scar Tissue - Remembrane (Nerve Filter Mix)
Deathmachine - Dungeon Dialect
Eject - Hydraulic Pressure
Dolphin - My Beautiful Cephalopod
Somatic Responses - Cry For The Strangers
The DJ Producer & Deathmachine - Pixelshifter
Bombardier - Incinerator
Torsion - Feed Forward Signal
Xynomorph - Bag Of Slugs
Embodi - Abuse
Throttler - Validation

To be continued March 18th…

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