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Asgard Rock Weekly Review #13

Saudações ouvintes!

No Domingo (02/09) tivemos um programa bastante variado a alguns problemas técnicos que foram resolvidos no mesmo dia.

Hail listeners!

Last Sunday (September 02) we had a varied program and some technical problems fixed in the same day.

Lista de faixas tocadas/ Playlist:

Primal Fear - Light Years from Home
Gammaray - Heavy Metal Universe
Manowar - Gloves of Metal
Venom - One Thousand days to Sodom
Slayer - Kill Again
Testament - Trail of Tears
Angel Corpse - Perversion Enthroned (order)
Celtic Frost - Messiah (order)
Dismember - Shadows of the Mutilated
Gehenna - Uneartly Loose Palace
Caliban - It's our Burden to Bleed (order)
Maceration - A Serenade of Agony
Vento Negro - Centrodonte Triunfo Austral
In Memorian - As the Prediction
Bywar - Thrasher's Return
Windir - Sognariket Sine Krigarar
Textures - Young Man
After Forever - Semblance of Confusion

Don't know what is Asgard Rock?!

Adicionem este Grupo da rádio/Add this Group:
Domingos das 18 as 20 horas/ Sundays 6 PM - 8 PM (GMT -3)

Orkut community:http://www.gluon.com.br/blog/imagens/orkut.jpg

New! Local GMT Tip!:

http://www.flags.net/images/smallflags/POLA0001.GIF Poland time: 11:00 PM
http://www.flags.net/images/smallflags/UNST0001.GIF United States: 02:00 PM
http://www.flags.net/images/smallflags/GERM0001.GIF Germany: 11:00 PM
http://www.flags.net/images/smallflags/ITAL0001.GIF Italy: 11:00 PM
http://www.flags.net/images/smallflags/NETH0001.GIF The Netherlands(Holland): 11:00 PM
http://www.flags.net/images/smallflags/UKRN0001.GIF Ukraine: 00:00 AM
http://www.flags.net/images/smallflags/AUST0001.GIF Austria: 11:00 PM
http://www.flags.net/images/smallflags/GREC0001.GIF Greece Time: 00:00 AM

GMT time conversion provided by: World Time Server
World flags provided by: Flags.net

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