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hot muggy show, but worth it

Thu 24 Jun – Moving Mountains, Some Never Sleep, Underground Cities, The City Speaks

First time I've been to The Underground. Very cool little basement for shows downtown Mesa. Reminds me of a smaller Flint Local 432 (in Flint, Michigan), where I spent many weekends. No alcohol, which is fine. Smokers outside and so-on.

Caught the part of the band before Moving Mountains and grabbed an EP from Underground Cities in the parking lot after the shows, but missed them performing.

Moving Mountains was really good but you could tell the heat was killing them. It was really sweaty in the room and the lead singer seemed to be dying to wipe the sweat from his eyes a couple times but kept playing guitar and fought through it.

Some songs, like 8105 came out pretty well live, but the album versions are really hard to top with the backup vocals and extra instrumentals. Was really happy to see them play Armslength live. Didn't expect that. Would have paid double the price to hear Ode We Will Bury Ourselves at the end, but they finished with Lights & Shapes, which is actually my least favorite track of Pneuma or Foreward.

Good show though. Real happy I managed to catch them live because the records are absolutely amazing.

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